Progetto di VOLONTARIATO EUROPEO - Sunny Hills of Istria, Slovenia

Europan Solidarity Corps - Individual volunteering opportunities


March – July 2024 (We are still looking for volunteers, so don't wait to apply!!)

WHAT AND WHEN: Short term ESC volenteering   2 – 4 months, from 15.3.2024 – 20.7.2024





Sunny Hill is a sustainable homestead run by a couple in their mid-50s. Together with volunteers and a group of individuals who regularly spend longer periods on the spot we form a small and cozy community. 

Sunny Hill is also a venue for weekend and week-long workshops and events, connected to nature, community building, and sustainable lifestyles. 

FB page:

Web page:

What will you do?

Early spring is a planting season. You will learn how to prepare beds for planting, and transplant seedlings. We will plant spring and summer crops. You will cover the beds with organic material, learn how to take care of goats and chicken, milk, and make cheese and yogurt.

Working hours: 5 hours a day / 5 days a week + some household tasks; cooking and cleaning occasionally.

We have a morning circle at 8.00 where we share working tasks and a weekly emotional circle to reflect upon our general wellbeing.

Fill in the application form here

The volunteer will work on the organic garden, take care of our goats and milk products, take care of the surroundings of the estate, and do household work.

Have a look in our website to read more about our project and see some pictures!!! →

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