YOUTH EXCHANGE - "Embracing Diversity: Applied Ecovillage Living"
Ci scusiamo se le iscrizioni sono state chiuse prima della data prefissata, ma abbiamo raggiunto il numero massimo di candidature.
Opportunità per giovani dai 18 ai 30 anni.
Scambio giovanile Erasmus+ per 5 giovani italiani + 1 Youth leader dal 3 al 17 Marzo 2018 in Scozia, presso Findhorn Ecovillage – Moray
Progetto europeo Erasmus+ in cui RIVE è organizzazione Partner.
Paesi coinvolti: Spagna, Olanda, Italia e Regno Unito
Requisiti richiesti: età da 18 a 30 anni, possedere la Tessera Sanitaria Nazionale e sufficiente inglese
Breve descrizione del progetto:
It’s an exchange exploring ecovillages, low impact lifestyles, sustainability, and right livelihoods. Participants will enjoy hands on activities with the community and will be encouraged to explore what ecovillages are doing to tackle the global ecological and social crises with a focus on personal development, active citizenship and employability.
The Findhorn Foundation College, community, and ecovillage has a long history of facilitating and teaching sustainability practices. During the program, participants will engage with these resources and get to meet and learn from inspiring teachers and facilitators with wide-ranging experience and expertise. We will also have self-organised time where we explore arising topics and share perspectives from our different countries and cultures.
Participants will learn about:
- Social tools for personal and group transformation, empowerment and community building
- Urban and rural solutions for transitioning to a resilient society
- Local organic food production and right livelihood
- Comprehensive Permaculture design introduction
- Renewable energy systems and energy efficiency models
- Cooperative social economies and complementary currencies
- Holistic decision-making processes, including nature and deep ecology
- Earth restoration projects and biological waste water treatments
- Ecological building and community design
- Cultural and Spiritual diversity practices
Info su Findhorn Ecovillage
Findhorn Ecovillage is an experimental architectural community project based at The Park, in Moray, Scotland, near the village of Findhorn. The project's main aim is to demonstrate a sustainable development in environmental, social, and economic terms. Work began in the early 1980s under the auspices of the Findhorn Foundation but now includes a wide diversity of organisations and activities. Numerous different ecological techniques are in use, and the project has won a variety of awards, including the UN-Habitat Best Practice Designation in 1998.
A recent independent study concludes that the residents have the lowest ecological footprint of any community measured so far in the industrialised world and is also half of the UK average.
At first almost all of the activities this involved, such as eco-house construction, a 75 kW Vestas wind turbine and an ecological waste water treatment system were undertaken by the Findhorn Foundation itself, or its trading company New Findhorn Directions Ltd. However, from 1990 onwards a growing number of independent charities, businesses, small sister communities, independent practitioners and community bodies have grown up and significantly extended the size and diversity of ecological projects, some of which are listed below. As of 2005 the Ecovillage has around 450 members centred around The Park (the main campus on the southern edge of Findhorn), but also based at numerous locations in the nearby town of Forres and elsewhere in Moray.
La partecipazione è gratuita, i costi di viaggio (fino ad un massimo di Euro 275,00), di vitto e alloggio sono finanziati da Erasmus+.
Questo progetto è dedicato ai soci RIVE. Se sarai selezionato e non sei ancora socio RIVE, dovrai iscriverti prima della partenza (basta compilare il modulo iscrizione e versare la quota di Euro 30,00)
Per ulteriori info:
visita il sito del progetto completo
internazionale, erasmus+, youth exchange, yes to sustainability
File dei Termini e Condizioni